Trees, Training & Trade

Trees, Training & Trade Program

Trees, Training, Trade

The Trees, Training & Trade program will provide ongoing, multi-year technical assistance to small-holder farmers on a variety of regenerative organic practices, with a core focus on breadfruit-centered agroforestry systems.

We have documented success in agroecology training and capacity to research, develop and secure consistent, fair marks for underutilized agroforestry crops. The farming families learn to restore and maintain the ecological health of their farmland in ways that improve their nutrition and income.

A community-based

Agroforestry model

To reach our Impact Goal


Planting high-value traditional crops and breadfruit based food forests

Sharing best practices of resilience, production & sustainability

Creating resilient supply webs for small farmers

Our social program is integrated by four lines of action:

TREE PROPAGATION: local and mass scale propagation of promising perennial trees – that feed, like breadfruit – and integration strategies for other tropical species.

TRAINING CURRICULUM: capacity building on agroforestry management best practices to smallholder farmers and facilitating certification processes to increase their income.

TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFERENCE: research and development fostering and promotion for the continual improvement of training program and best agricultural practices.

IMPACT MEASUREMENT: to validate our efforts and reach the sustainability of the family farmers.